It is estimated that 500,000 Americans move each year. Places like Colorado Springs draw many people with their beautiful scenery. This thriving metropolis near the Rocky Mountains attracts many people because of its many military facilities, natural beauty, and diverse cultural offerings.

Although moving to a new place can be exciting, it can also be stressful. However, you can ensure the process goes smoothly with the right approach, mindset, and enough preparation. In this blog post, we’ll take you through 10 tried-and-true tips for a stress-free move, demystifying the process and injecting calm into the chaos.

Tip1: Choosing a Moving Company

Choosing the right moving company can make all the difference in your moving experience. It’s essential to do your homework: look for a company with a good reputation, solid customer reviews, and proper licensing and insurance. Request estimates from multiple companies to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

If you’re looking for a Colorado Springs long distance moving company, Coleman Allied is a standout choice. Picking a reputable company like this can contribute significantly to a stress-free move.

Tip2: Starting Early

One of the keys to easing the strain of moving is giving yourself a head start. When you start preparations in advance, you ward off last-minute panic. You can sort through items, decide what to keep, and methodically pack up your belongings. It also gives you ample time to handle unexpected hiccups. So, make ‘starting early’ your mantra for a stress-free move.

Tip3: Inventory Check

Creating an inventory before packing is like drawing a map before a road trip. It’s your guide to ensure everything gets noticed along the way. When you list your belongings, you know what’s going into those boxes, making it easier to track everything. And if you hire movers, it’s a solid backup to check against any loss or damage.

Tip4: Planning Out Your New Space

Knowing your new space before moving in is essential- it helps you anticipate and plan better. Understanding the layout, room dimensions, storage spaces, and other nooks and crannies lets you strategize where each piece of furniture will go. This way, movers know where to place your items, saving you the heavy lifting later.

Visualizing your belongings in the new space can make the transition more natural and exciting. Think of it as your personal floor plan toward a smoother move.

Tip5: De-cluttering

Think about moving as a chance for a fresh start, including leaving behind what you don’t need. De-cluttering is essential, and here’s why: it lightens your load. Literally. Why lug around that old treadmill collecting dust or those clothes you last wore years ago? Eliminating unnecessary items saves packing time, moving costs, and space in your new home. It might be tough to say goodbye to some things but remember – less clutter equals less stress. Plus, donating items can help others in need. It’s a win-win.

Tip6: Systematic Packing

Systematic packing is like solving a puzzle – each piece has its place. And when done correctly, it can transform the chaos of moving into a manageable task. Here’s a tip: pack room by room. It keeps similar items together and makes unpacking a breeze. Use quality packing materials and consider color-coding boxes based on rooms for easy identification. Fragile items? Wrap them securely and label the boxes accordingly. Clothes can be left in drawers or hung in wardrobe boxes. Remember, systematic packing isn’t about speed but order and efficiency. The goal is a smooth move, not a frantic one.

Tip7: Labelling Boxes

Labeling boxes may seem minor when standing in your new home with a sea of cardboard all around you, but it can make a huge difference. The key to labeling is being clear and specific. Write down the room and the contents. That way, you’re not just guiding the movers; you’re also helping your future self. And here’s an extra tip: label the sides, not the top of the boxes. This way, you can read the labels even when boxes are stacked. With good labeling, you can hit the ground running when you unpack.

Tip8: Creating a Moving Day Kit

Having a moving day kit is like packing a picnic for a day trip – you’ll thank yourself later. This kit should contain all the essentials you’ll need on moving day and the first few days at your new place before you can unpack. Think toiletries, medications, chargers, some clothes, and essential documents. Also, remember to pack snacks, water, cleaning supplies, and essential tools like a box cutter and a screwdriver. Don’t forget items for kids and pets if you have them. These essentials can make your move smoother and help you avoid rummaging through boxes on your first night.

Tip9: Safety Measures

Moving day can be a whirlwind of activity, but safety should never take a backseat amidst the hustle and bustle. Dress for the day – wear close-toed shoes to protect your feet and comfortable clothing. Remember to bend at your knees, not your waist, to prevent back injuries when lifting boxes. Keep walkways clear of boxes and packing materials to avoid tripping. If you’re using a moving truck, ensure heavy items are loaded first and secured to prevent shifting during transport. For those with children and pets, consider arranging for them to stay elsewhere on moving day to avoid accidents. Remember, safety first always makes for a smoother move.

Tip10: Unpacking Strategy

Moving isn’t over once you’ve arrived at your new place – unpacking is the final, critical step. Having a strategy can turn this potentially overwhelming task into a smooth transition. Start with the essentials: set up beds, unpack toiletries, and kitchen basics to make your first few days comfortable. Then, tackle one room at a time, starting with the most used spaces like the kitchen and living room. Break down and recycle boxes as you go to keep the space clutter-free. Also, don’t rush to unpack everything in one day. Take your time to decide the best spot for each item. Remember, unpacking is your first step to making your new place feel like home.


Moving home doesn’t have to be a stress-inducing event. With early preparations, systematic packing, innovative labeling, and a reliable moving company, you can transform this seemingly monumental task into a manageable process. Remember, the key is in the details and giving yourself enough time. Follow these ten tips, and you’ll be well on your way to making your next move smooth, efficient, and stress-free. Happy moving!

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