If you are looking for April flowers, you’re in luck! April is one of the busiest months in the floral world – some of the most colorful, spectacular flowers bloom during this month. The very name of the month, April, comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning to open.

This is evident as soon as you walk outside. Blooms are starting to open in gardens and meadows all over. If you are planning a wedding or special event or even just buying flowers to decorate your home, your choices will be abundant in April.

The Official April Flowers

Every month has its official flower, and April’s are the daisy and the sweet pea.

Daisies symbolize purity, innocence, and true love. These common flowers grow so easily that are sometimes considered to be weeds. Daisies are known for yellow centers surrounded by leaves in white, pink, violet, and many other colors. Breeders have cultivated these flowers in almost every color of the rainbow, and especially in some of the more vibrant colors.

Sweet peas symbolize blissful pleasure. They are easily distinguished by their beautiful fragrance. These fragrant flowers usually come in lighter shades of pink or lavender. Certain varieties, however, have been cultivated to come in more than one hue, some with a different colored-edge or even with streaked patterns. Some sweet peas are “shifters,” changing color as they age in a vase.

Both of these flowers represent the innocent optimism of spring, and either one would be a superb choice for an April flower arrangement.

Flowers that Bloom in April

Moving past daisies and sweet peas, you will find a large number of flowers that bloom in April. These range from elegant to bohemian, giving you plenty of choices for your decorations.

One of the rare flowers that naturally comes by its bluish hue, cornflowers add a lovely jolt of color to any flower arrangement. With their ragged edges, they have a decidedly casual feel, making a nice balance within a more formal flower grouping.

Cornflowers look especially pretty when paired with yellow flowers, their opposite on the color spectrum. With their long stalks, they are perfect when arranged in tall vases.

Daffodil is the common name for one of the showiest of spring flowers, the Narcissus. They are planted in autumn, so you will see their buds popping up as soon as the weather begins to warm up, usually early spring. These pretty blooms have six leaves, typically in a bright, cheerful yellow.

As attention-getting as they are, you’ll have to arrange your daffodils on their own. Daffodil stems secrete a fluid that will cause other flowers to wilt, so they shouldn’t be combined in a vase with other April flowers.

Because daffodils are a more casual flower, try a cottage or country feel with your decorations. Galvanized metal buckets and twine wrapped around planters would be charming.

With their stemmy height and vibrant colors, delphiniums can easily be the stand-out in any flower arrangement. Their petals typically come in gorgeous blueish-purple shades, although some varieties are pink or white. These flowers are casually elegant, and look especially beautiful arranged in a vase.

But beware: young delphinium plants and delphinium seeds are highly toxic to humans and animals. Avoid these flowers if you have young children or pets.

These flowers come as part of tall, blooming branches. While you probably wouldn’t want to use them in a bouquet, with their elegant height they are ideal for using in a tall vase or as part of a wreath. Forsythia usually come in a bright yellow color, so pairing them in a vase or planter with some of spring’s pretty purple or blue flowers makes a bold statement. Or, go for a more springtime feel with pink flowers.

With their sweet smell and long vase life, pretty freesia might be one of the most-loved of spring flowers. They come in a wide variety of colors, ranging from white to lavender to orange, so you can find freesia to match the decor of almost any event. These April flowers bloom on tall stalks, with anywhere from 6-12 flowers on each stem.

With their height, freesia is perfectly suited to tall, sculptural vases. Used as an April flower decoration, they add elegance and style.

Gardenias are a classic spring flower, lovely and elegant. Their strong, sweet fragrance, often used by luxury perfume makers, will fill your home with the scent of spring. Gardenias only come in white or cream, so they will easily coordinate with flowers of any other color. Alternatively, you can opt for a simpler approach, with a classy bouquet of white gardenias. Gardenias also look exceptionally pretty if you cut the flower and let it float in a short, shallow bowl.

Gardenia petals start to turn brown as they die, so wait until the very last minute to cut them for an arrangement.

A traditional gift for Easter or Mother’s Day, the distinctive orchid might be one of the flowers most associated with spring. These flowers were once exclusively purple or white, but now come in a variety of colors – bright pink, orange, and mauve are just a few.

While not traditionally used in a bouquet or vase, an orchid in a pretty planter can be a stunning centerpiece.

Pansies like to bloom in cooler weather, making them one of the first blooms in early spring. They are reliably vibrant, with heart-shaped petals that overlap one another. You can easily pick out pansies by their “face” – the flower usually has a contrasting color (brown, light yellow, or white) at its center. With their short, round shape, they make a charming contrast in an arrangement with some of the taller spring flowers.

Pansies are a unique spring flower for being edible. Their mildly minty flavor works well with dessert, and looks pretty, too.

Fluffy and fragrant peonies are one of the most beloved – and expensive – April flowers. These gloriously oversized flowers come in gorgeous shades of white, pink, purple, yellow and red, making them easy to coordinate with almost any bouquet or color scheme. One particularly vibrant variety, “Coral Charm,” changes colors as it opens, from pink to coral. You’ll have to time it just right with that flower!

With their big bold blooms, peonies can be used sparingly. Just a few peonies is enough for one arrangement. You can always add filler with other, smaller flowers.

Ah, tulips. If April had an iconic flower, it would be the tulip. With its long stem and bright, cup-shaped flower, it’s the highlight of bouquets and vases all month long. Long and elegant, tulips come in almost any color imaginable.

Tulips are most stunning on their own, arranged in a variety of colors to showcase their brightness.

April flowers come in all colors, shapes and sizes to suit your needs. You’ll love the beautiful decorations you can come up with!

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